Khirbet Tana

Basic info

Community Association


Number of Families
Names of Families
Nasasra, Imleitat
Farmers Origin/Family
Beit Fouriq
not refugee


Land Ownership
  • private
  • requisition
No plan
Structure Type
  • tent
  • tin shack
  • wood
Building materials - details


Access to Community
  • pedestrian
  • private vehicle
Water Access
  • cistern\well
  • spring
Water Access - details
Two main springs run in the area, making it particularly suitable for grazing.
Electric Connection
Health Care
  • clinic in neighboring community
  • clinic in distant town/village
Health Care - details
The nearest clinic is in Beit Fouriq. The nearest hospital is the governmental hospital in Nablus.
Location of Services
Beit Fouriq and Nablus


Location of School #1
Khirbet Tana
general description [school #1]
  • Boys
  • Girls
  • Primary school
Distances to schools [school #1]
0-300 meter
Location of School #2
Beit Fouriq
Time to schools [school #1]
5 - 15 minutes
general description [school #2]
  • Boys
  • Girls
  • Primary school
Time to schools [school #2]
16 - 30 minutes
Distances to schools [school #2]
2001 - 5000 meters
Location of School #3
Beit Fouriq
general description [school #3]
  • Boys
  • Girls
  • Middle school
Distances to schools [school #3]
2001 - 5000 meters
Location of School #4
Beit Fouriq
Time to schools [school #3]
16 - 30 minutes
general description [school #4]
  • Boys
  • Girls
  • High School
Distances to schools [school #4]
2001 - 5000 meters
Time to schools [school #4]
16 - 30 minutes
Schools - details
A school was rehabilitated in the community but has been demolished by the ICA, and a caravan was brought for 1st-4th grade. The rest of the schools are in Beit Fouriq.
Travel to school [school #1]
easy walk
Travel to school [school #2]
  • easy walk
  • donkey
  • private car
Travel to school [school #3]
  • donkey
  • private car
Travel to school [school #4]
  • donkey
  • private car
Accessibility to school [school #1]
Accessibility to school [school #2]
Accessibility to school [school #3]
Accessibility to school [school #4]


Khirbet Tana is the permanent winter residency of the shepherds of Beit Fouriq. They use these lands for herding and agriculture for many decades. All the area of Khirbet Tana is on lands owned by residents from Beit Fouriq.


Seasonal Movement
Seasonal Movement - details
The Shepherds move seasonally within the locality. Women and children stay where they can get access to services (mainly schools). During holidays the entire community gets together.
Community Initiatives
  • public building
  • agriculture
Initiative in the community - details
A small swimming pool was built but destroyed the ICF. A natural herbal garden was established for the benefit of the residents. They also initiated the school caravan and the rehabilitation of an old building next to the mosque.
Other Occupation
  • shepherding
  • herd without shepherding
  • agriculture
Main Occupation
  • shepherding
  • agriculture
Woman's Occupation
  • taking care of the herd
  • taking care of the kids
  • housekeeping

Threats and obstacles

Threats and Obstacles
  • firing zone/closed military zone
  • nature reserve
  • close to settlement
Threats and Obstacles - details
The community is under constant threat of demolition from the ICA.
They also report violence from the settlers of nearby settlements, and at times suffer violence from the IDF.
A landfill nearby the community pollutes the air and causes smoke and bad smells.
Number of Demolition Orders
Number of Demolitions
Swap Start/End

Khirbet Tana

Central West Bank, east of Nablus